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students standing together in a cheer.
Morning Cheer

Westmoor first-graders start off their morning with a class cheer.

News & Announcements

Bulldogs Make a Difference

We appreciate our parents for everything they do to support their children, our teachers, and school community.

We know many families have reached out to share their support for our teachers and staff.

We are starting a new tradition ... we created a form where you can share your APPRECIATION with the staff!

The Bulldogs Make a Difference outreach includes compliments, kudos, etc. that we will share with individual staff members. What a great way to help make the Westmoor Staff's week positive!

Complete this form to nominate someone today!

Read More about Bulldogs Make a Difference
architect's schematic rendering of new Meadowbrook school

The district continues to work with DLA Architects to develop plans for school additions and renovations as outlined in the Facilities Master Plan and the proposed $94.9 million bond referendum on the April 1 ballot, said Superintendent Dr. Jason Pearson.

The architects are drawing up basic floor plans to outline square footage and renovations within the funding allocations for each school.

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Read More about Renovation, Addition Plans Mapped For Each School

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